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ATO Scam Alert

Please be advised that we have recently received information from the Australian Taxation Office in relation to a phone scam. The information we have received advises that customers of the Australian Taxation Office have been receiving calls on either their private home or mobile numbers from a person claiming to be from the ATO. The caller explains that you owe money to the ATO and that you must attend to payment immediately or the police will be contacted and a warrant will be issued for your arrest. Key indicators of this scam:


  • Cold calling (unsolicited call)

  • You are advised that there is a warrant for your arrest

  • The callers use an aggressive tone

  • You are asked to make a payment without having received any prior advice or correspondence from the ATO

  • You are asked to make a payment without being provided with a personal payment slip.

It is important that you are aware of this scam and if you do receive a call from a person claiming to be a representative of the Australian Taxation Office that you immediately direct them to contact us as your accountant. Please ensure you do not provide any personal information to the caller. We also ask that should you receive any calls from the Australian Taxation Office that you notify us immediately so we can confirm that all necessary steps have been followed and you are not at risk. If you have any questions or concerns in relation to this scam, please do not hesitate to contact us on 07 4927 4588.


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