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We can help you transition seamlessly into your next stage of life - without the stress

Living independently in your own home is what you've been used to your whole life.


However, as you or your parents get older you might find that managing your day-to-day activities becomes a little harder.


There are many financial implications when considering aged care:


  • Do you want to keep or sell the family home?

  • Will you be able to afford aged care facility fees?

  • Will your wishes be honoured after you've gone?

  • What government benefits are there?

  • What kind of facilities exist?


Fortunately, we can help you maximise benefits and minimise costs, help in the decision making and connect you with the best aged-care facilities.


In-Home Care


Many people prefer to stay in their own home and have a supportive network of friends and family who can help out with things like shopping, cooking, and transport.


However, if you don't have this network, you might need help with housework, preparing meals, staying active, or even just to keep you company.  In-Home Care allows you to stay in your own home and allows you to access personal care, domestic help, and nursing care services.


Aged Care


Care in an aged care home allows you to live in a supported environment where help is available when you need it.  Aged care facilities are quite different to 'retirement villages', which are generally private facilities.


Respite Care


Respite Care is a place which can provide short-term accommodation outside of the home.  This provides some relief for those who are caring for family members.


If you are looking after a partner, a parent, a friend, or another family member and need a break from your usual care arrangement, respite services can help.



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