You've created wealth and built a next egg for your retirement - now to ensure it lasts as long as you do.
You've created sufficient wealth for retirement, now to manage it so the money lasts as long as you do.
When you understand tax in retirement you can take advantage of a variety of ways in which you can save more money by paying less tax. By considering a variety of legal and logical tax saving options, we can help you increase your net income and create additional income producing investments.
- We provide strategies which enable you to pay little or no tax in retirement.
An annuity is a financial product which provides you with a series of regular payments in return for a lump-sum investment. The rate of return is fixed and is not affected by share market or interest rate movements.
Annuities deliver regular, dependable cash flows, offer flexible terms and payment options and may help to increase Age Pension entitlements.
Allocated (Super) Pensions
An Allocated (Super) Pension fund enables individuals to enjoy an income stream and pay minimal tax and depending on their age, pay no tax on pensions paid and earnings within the fund.
Disclaimer: No part of this document is to be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any financial product/s and recipients should not rely upon the contents of this document but should make their own assessment and evaluation, undertake investigation and enquire and seek appropriate advice to enable them to make any decision concerning their own interests.